Sunday, September 12, 2004


Probably one of the biggest questions that gets asked is, "What does God want me to do?"

Now, we're probably all familar with the spiritual gifts inventory and our natural abilities, our SHAPE. So we press on in that direction. Consider Abraham. God initiated. Same with David, Job, Jonah, Jeremiah, Paul, and you see the point. And back to David - God prepared him for the journey as well as having him run for his life for years to break him and form into a usable mold. And at age 30, he was ready. And Jospeh has a similar story.

Why would God's call on our life be so intense or mesmorizing or empherical. Is God's call being cloudy even biblical?

As for me, God has laid on my heart the nations and I plan to do missions all throughout my life. I have seen God's hand quite clearly on my life in His guiding and more importantly, in His training.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The life of a blog

It only took three minutes to create and that is the reason that I now have my own personal blog. I wanted my name to appear in a post on a friend's site instead of anonymous.

Well then. I've titled this site "No Responsibility" (I think) because most people spend life trying to prove that all they do is actually not their fault. The end of all this is that they are not accountable for their life. But think about it? Lawyers, blaming, complaining - the fault lies somewhere else, doesn't it? The line is taking forever because there are so many people in it. I would have been on time to person X's house if they had been ready to leave at person Y's house to get to person X's house. My life would not suck if I had married this person instead of this person. Or maybe you have problems with a team that you are on.

Well, the old cliché goes something like - you can't change others, only yourself. Great! What does that mean? PMA? Is that all that's needed?

So anyway, this Blog will be dedicated to the quest of "What is my role in this story of life?"

Good luck - Joel