Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Scope of Explanation

The Internal Combustion Engine
One thing that struck me from the talk by Prof. John Lennox at the University of South Carolina the other week was the scope of God and science to explain things. He gave the example of explaining an automobile engine in terms of the laws of internal combustion verses explaining an automobile engine in terms of Henry Ford. Science explains how things work and function. But the laws of internal combustion would not be able to explain why things came to be or even the purpose behind the engine.

Lennox pointed out the point of tension for most people lies in their worldview. He noted the current winner of the Nobel Prize in physics is an atheist while the year prior’s award in physics went to a Christian. Both were really smart people. One believes there is a God. One does not. The issue is not with science. The issue is with worldview.
Henry Ford

In the illustration of the car above, a scientific view of the engine does not negate explaining a car in terms of Henry Ford. In fact, they compliment each other. I am an unashamed Christian. My worldview is that Almighty God created everything out of nothing. His creating us means that we have phenomenal purpose. But it is in reference to Him. Science gives a much different explanation, but not one that negates God. They compliment explaining different facets of creation. And that is my worldview.

I am fully convinced you can be a Christian without putting your brain on the shelf. The 2012 Nobel Prize winner in physics proves that, as do many other scientists. But Lennox encouraged dialogue and friendship with those of other world views. I’d love to get the conversation started.

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