Last night I received a phone call from a friend venting about Calvinism. He said that Calvinism highlights how bad God is instead of focusing on how good God is.
Generally, from my work on a campus, people who need Christ could care less about some of these issues that receive a lot of heat on different web forums (look up names like Ken Silva, Jack Deere, Rob Bell to investigate some of the issues in controversy). For instance, while in college, eschatology was our big thing. We were stanch pre-tribulation pre-millennialists and were quite against anyone who believed otherwise. I'm familiar now with the pre, post, and a-millennial views, but the average guy in the frat house could care less about the issue. However, they think it is important that Jesus will return.
But there are some issues that should garner little debate from those that hold a high view of scripture - like the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. In reference to my friend who called last night, my first thought is to not get too hung up on these issues, but rather to help those around you walk with Jesus - that these issues can consume too much time.
After spending an hour or so myself this morning reading articles and listening to some web casts, I realize that I'm quite ignorant of these hot issues. So here are some of my questions:
- Does Calvinism remove any free thought or will from man?
- Why is the Emergent Church a threat?
- If I'm constantly around guys who have no spiritual background, what is vital for them to do or know in order to be on the path of walking with Jesus all the days of their life?
I know more questions will arise, but that should be enough to get us going. Thanks for input.