Sunday, November 26, 2006

The beat goes on

Why might we be afraid of anyone challenging our idea of truth? I think of Copernicus:

Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and mathematician who was a proponent of the view of an Earth in daily motion about its axis and in yearly motion around a stationary sun. This theory profoundly altered later workers' view of the universe, but was rejected by the Catholic church.

But nevertheless, truth prevailed.

Jesus never worried about proving His deity to the religious leaders of the day who constantly asked Him to show signs or something to prove His claims.

Am I scared of someone proving me wrong? Truth cannot be overturned. Perhaps I actually don't believe that which is true. How can we know?

Monday, April 10, 2006

God is Judge

Is the fact that God is the ultimate judge a good or bad thing? That we are accountable for every action?

It is the best thing that God is the judge. Because He is the judge, He is also the one to make provision for mercy and to provide a substitute that satisfies His justice. There is no guessing as to what it takes to appease Him. He did it Himself. Also, this means that if God declares you or me as guilt-free then we are truly guilt-free.

Suppose you had received a speeding ticket (wrongly, I'm sure:) ). Then we cross paths, and I tell you that you are no longer accountable for your ticket. It has been forgiven. While that might sound great, I have no authority to really do anything about your ticket. Even if I pay for it, you will still receive points on your license or have to attend a safety driving class.

Romans 8:28-38 asks a couple of questions:
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Who can bring any accusation...? God is the one who justifies.
Who is the one that condems?

So, God as the Heavy actually turns out to work in our favor (assuming of course that we've cried out for mercy to God). Once He forgives and provides substitution, there is no more red tape to go through.

God is the judge of all people. Pass on the good news!