Saturday, November 14, 2009

History of the Faith

So I just learned recently that the Universal Church was Orthodox for 1000 years after Christ. Then the Catholic Church split off. Then 500 years later the Protestant Reformation took place. I'm on a journey to learn from the Church Fathers and see how we've ended up where we are. Giorgios Mantzarides, an Orthodox Christian theologian, says, "those who are intolerant cannot be Orthodox, however orthodox might be the words which they use." (Pg 3, Orthodox Spiritual Life).

My questions:
1)What is the core of belief, life, and doctrine for Christians that transcends Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox by which we can champion what God is doing through our brothers?
2)Is it possible for Christians in the world to link arms and get the job done of making disicples of every nation?

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