Sunday, October 30, 2005

A challenge

A speaker shared from Psalm 90 where David says that he will, he will, he will. David makes no mention of things that he might do. As I thought of my lack of commitment, I thought of Brad. We're wanting to make a documentary, and he wants me to fly up to Rhode Island over Christmas. Actually, I think that I mentioned the time frame. But then it's easy to keep telling him maybe and letting the date approach slowly. I told him that I would give him a definite tonight.

All this talk of "I might" to "I will" has made me consider to what I proposing my time. It drives me nuts to have so many things hang in the balance, but I do an outstanding job of helping people to dream... and then not really committing to anything. Their spirit says, "Argh."

So, I am moving toward saying, "I will," a bit more often. Thoughts, rebuttal?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I can't believe that I'm just now beginning to see the need for discipline in my life. If I don't schedule something in it does not get done. I was about to say that life is busier than it's ever been, but who decides whether or not it is busy? What is the primary thing that I go after? Can I say what it is? Am I going after it?

Where there is freedom, there is responsibility. The scriptures say that in Christ, we have freedom. We have the responsibility to do right, not what necessarily feels good.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Continue on

Welcome to Sunday night. It's interesting how I can do things and develop a big complex over whether or not people respond to what I say. But since this site fights against being a victim, I will continue on and continue to do things. I shared my testimony with a group of people and just had tough-to-read response. Was I a failure? Who cares! I shared about how much the love of Jesus has affected my life. I'll continue to do that.