Sunday, October 30, 2005

A challenge

A speaker shared from Psalm 90 where David says that he will, he will, he will. David makes no mention of things that he might do. As I thought of my lack of commitment, I thought of Brad. We're wanting to make a documentary, and he wants me to fly up to Rhode Island over Christmas. Actually, I think that I mentioned the time frame. But then it's easy to keep telling him maybe and letting the date approach slowly. I told him that I would give him a definite tonight.

All this talk of "I might" to "I will" has made me consider to what I proposing my time. It drives me nuts to have so many things hang in the balance, but I do an outstanding job of helping people to dream... and then not really committing to anything. Their spirit says, "Argh."

So, I am moving toward saying, "I will," a bit more often. Thoughts, rebuttal?

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